Custom Games for the immersive launch experience of Netflix Glass Onion movie

For the Italian launch of the Glass Onion Knives Out movie, Dude organized the event for Netflix in Milan. We curated and developed two custom digital experiences specific for the event. The two digital experience was placed in two areas of the escaping room path that was designed for the event.

For the Italian launch of the Glass Onion Knives Out movie, Dude organized the event for Netflix in Milan. We curated and developed two custom digital experiences specific for the event. The two digital experience was placed in two areas of the escaping room path that was designed for the event.

The first game is a Puzzle Touch Table, a 9-puzzle game that one part of the team was tasked to solve in a limited time. Another team member, who had broken away from the team in the previous room, could interact from the next room and see the team solving the puzzle through a mirror hidden in the wall. The excluded person could make a choice, his choice could either help the rest of the team solve the puzzle, or to give them a penalty by upsetting the puzzle pieces again.

The second game is a Memory game, set in room with artworks and sculptures, which were illuminated in a sequence of colored sounds and lights. The team in this room had to solve the puzzle in a limited time by replicating the entire sequence in the correct order.

9-Puzzle Touch Table


Competenze applicate a questo progetto
Concept, Design & Execution
Associati e partner coinvolti



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