Vodafone/Pixel Hunt

To highlight the exceptional quality of the Vodafone LG Optimus phone's 5-megapixel camera, a captivating online hunt was devised, featuring 5 million pixels. Participants were tasked with zooming in on a picture taken with the phone and clicking as many pixels as possible to locate an Optimus phone. The response from people was swift and enthusiastic as they eagerly joined the hunt. Through organic engagement, the campaign rapidly gained momentum, and within a month, all 5 million pixels were clicked.

To highlight the exceptional quality of the Vodafone LG Optimus phone's 5-megapixel camera, a captivating online hunt was devised, featuring 5 million pixels. Participants were tasked with zooming in on a picture taken with the phone and clicking as many pixels as possible to locate an Optimus phone. The response from people was swift and enthusiastic as they eagerly joined the hunt. Through organic engagement, the campaign rapidly gained momentum, and within a month, all 5 million pixels were clicked.

Salvatore Russomanno Role: Ideation, Copywriting &Production

Jung von Matt
Competenze applicate a questo progetto
Concept, Design & Execution
Associati e partner coinvolti



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