Choose Chicago / Welcome Home

Chicago is a very welcoming city. Therefore, a branding campaign was launched to invite everyone to the Windy City, emphasizing that they would feel right at home here. The campaign ran in major American cities, Europe, and China. In 2018, it won the "Best Tourism Marketing Campaign Award" at the Illinois Excellence in Tourism Awards.

Chicago is a very welcoming city. Therefore, a branding campaign was launched to invite everyone to the Windy City, emphasizing that they would feel right at home here. The campaign ran in major American cities, Europe, and China. In 2018, it won the "Best Tourism Marketing Campaign Award" at the Illinois Excellence in Tourism Awards.

Salvatore Russomanno Role:Creative Direction, Ideation, Copywriting & Production

"Choose Chicago showed that it’s possible to create a successful brand that encompasses everything that your city is, was and strides to be."

Choose Chicago
FCB Chicago
Competenze applicate a questo progetto
Concept, Design & Execution
Associati e partner coinvolti
Salvatore Russomanno



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